Funeral Home Partners

the bridge over the ohio river in cincinatti

Why Partner With Us?

We make it easy to market and process pre-need products to your clients, and work hard to support you along the way.

Complete Online Processing

Applications, policy issue, claims, and commission payments - you'll have complete online access to the status of your funeral home's business.

Customer Service

We offer friendly and familiar representatives who believe in building relationships and supporting our partners.

Death Benefit

100% of the face amount is available on day one with all single-pay policies. During the 1st year of a multi-pay policy and if any of the health questions were answered “YES”, the death benefit will be return of premium plus 3%. During the 2nd year of a multi-pay policy and if any of the health questions were answered “YES”, the benefit will be 70% of the face amount. A death within the first 2 years of the policy’s effective date and all heath questions answered “NO”, the policy will be considered contestable and medical records will be required to determine death benefit. On the 25th month regardless of health questions, the death benefit on all multi-pay policies will be 100% of the policy’s face amount.

Rapid Claim Processing

When death occurs and a claim is filed with proper documentation, we will process the claim and mail a check or direct deposit the claim within 24 hours.

Casket Protection Plan

Available on all contracts when a casket is selected regardless of which casket company or supplier.

Competitive Growth and Commissions

Our competitive growth along with our commissions provides substantial value to our partners.

Marketing Support

This is your best source for increasing your market share. With hands on training to our turnkey marketing program (from recruiting to training) we will deliver more funded pre-arrangements to your firm.

Financially Strong

We hold a secure rating of A (Excellent) by A.M. Best Company with a stable outlook and a conservative investment policy.

Cincinnati Equitable Life seeks local representation through knowledgeable, trustworthy, professionals who have strong relationships with their local community. You may inquire about opportunities by mail, telephone or e-mail.